Donald Trump is known to be himself: rash, racist, bigot, and the 45th US President. A lot of people are questioning his mental health. The latest would be a democrat from California who is considering passing a legislation that requires a White House psychiatrist.

Donald Trump's Mental Health

In December, three of the world's most renowned mental health experts cited the evidence that makes Donald Trump mentally unstable. They pointed out that the 45th President of the United States has a penchant for grandiosity and impulsivity. They also said that Donald Trump is extra sensitive to slights and criticisms and is unable to distinguish reality from fantasy - all of which constitute a mentally disabled person, The New York Times reported.

These mental health experts called Donald Trump out to submit to a full neuropsychiatric and mental evaluation conducted by impartial investigators. The evidence of his mental incapacity was further highlighted by another practicing psychologist who said that Donald Trump is malignantly narcissist characterized by his sadistic and antisocial behavior.

Ted Lieu, the democratic representative from California said he is considering proposing a law that would require a psychiatrist's presence in the White House. He is joined by two other democrat officials who are also calling for specific safeguards that need to be implemented in order to ascertain the US President's mental and emotional well-being while running the office, Independent UK reported.

Democrats, Psychologists petition

Not only are Democrats for the mental check-up of the 45th US president, some Republicans are at it too. Senator Al Franken from Minnesota said a few of his Republican colleagues have expressed concerns over the president's mental well-being.

For a person who has the power and the impulsiveness to launch 4,000 nuclear weapons in just a matter of seconds, President Donald Trump's mental health should really be considered. However, one of the mental experts, Professor Allen Frances, who helped underline the criteria for mental illness, said that Donald Trump's bad behavior is nothing short of a stigmatizing insult to those who are mentally ill.

According to Frances, name-calling the president will no way help change how Trump attacks the democracy.