"Manchester By The Sea" premiered in January in the Sundance Film Festival and has been looked at as an award-winning film. The first trailer to the film is released and it can be seen why the film is worth watching.

The film trailer shows some tip-top performance from the main characters played by Casey Affleck, Michelle Williams, and Lucas Hedges. The three want to have a break out with this movie after the small roloes they have played in movies like "The Grand Budapes Hotel", "Kill the Messenger", and "Moonrise Kingdom", Cinema Blend reported.

The film has a good mixture of the elements of humor and drama which makes it a very powerful and touching movie. The movie plot revolves around the character named Lee Chandler (Casey Affleck) and his struggles with his nephew Patrick (Lucas Hedges) after being declared as the legal guardian following the death of his brother, Joe Chandler. The series of events led Lee back to his hometown in Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts. There he also met up with his wife Randi (Michelle Williams) who was separated from him .

Although it is still a bit early, predictions are now surfacing saying that the film "Manchester by the Sea" will be nominated for Oscar Awards in 2017. It has been foreseen by experts that the movie will bring home five throphies which would include Best Picture. The predictions was a collective idea of 16 film experts from Gold Derby.

The film leads narrowly with 11/2 odds of winning the Best Pictures which surpassed another romantic musical drama-comedy film "La La Land" which has 7/1. Also, "Manchester by the Sea" director Kenneth Lonergan has an edge of winning the Best Director Award.

For best actor, Casey Affleck surpassed "Fences" actor Denzel Washington. The best actress, however, would most likely be awarded to Viola Davis. Additionally, Michelle Williams leads the Best Supporting Actress Award.

Watch the "Manchester by the Sea" trailer below:

Topics Movie, Film