Washington University- St. Louis' head researcher Baranidharan Raman finally puts into test a colony of Locusts over the quest of finding out if these unlikely bugs can be effective bomb sniffers! Joining him are fellow WU professors and scientists, Shantanu Chakrabartty, Srikanth Singamaneni and a bunch of other equally brilliant minds!

Aided by a 3-year $750,000 grant from the Office of Naval Research, this dedicated team from WU is set to do one thing and one thing only- enhance technology through the use of the Locusts' biology, Missourian reported.

Marking the much-awaited materialization of the research, various officials and even military figures from the Office of Naval Research were said to have expressed sheer willingness in backing the research into further heights.

And in the pre-conclusive event, it has been very clear that the future of Raman's research is way brighter ahead.

As much as there is no turning back from such achievement, as precluded by the already-invested grant, such new discovery has been cited to out-perform dog and rat sniffers in that matter, zero risks included.

Thus, last July 7, 2016, the colony of locusts was sent off the air for 6 separate trials, Missourian again reported.

Ironically, Locusts are known throughout history with a notorious brand such as "destroyer of crops" and "ultimate pests", National Geographic stated.

However, contemporary eyes have reportedly shifted lens and instead, focused on the Locusts' complex neural capacity.

Nevertheless, as per biology, their antennae perform as powerful noses.

These antennae have sensors more powerful than any chemical sensors ever created, Quartz reported.

The main objectives of the research are classified into 3- train the Locusts to determine scents, facilitate the Locusts into transferring data to human counterparts and steer the Locusts to different directions, ZD Net reported.

Consequently, all these actions have been corresponded by individual technologies in order for them to be realized.

With the findings from the June 7 trial/testing, a spontaneous sample trial has been set to conclude the study within the year, STL Today reported.

This highlights the combination of the technological performances, done in separate trials, into an organic output.

And with such discovery trailblazing the path to the future of national security, the question remains the same, "what's next?"