Students at the University of California - Santa Barbara (UCSB) have had enough of the news coverage their campus is getting due to the mass murder that has captivated the nation since last weekend.

Accoridng to the Los Angeles Times, students at the school and residents of Isla Vista gathered around the deli where Elliot Rodger shot and killed UCSB student Christopher Michaels-Martinez. News crews had been gathering there for days and the community rallied Monday to express their frustration.

Some held signs that read:


"Remembrance NOT ratings."

"Stop filming our tears."

"Let us heal."


At one point, police showed up to make sure nothing happened between the group and the media crews.

UCSB cancelled classes Tuesday to hold a day of mourning for the six people Rodger killed Friday night. While the entire UC system made its support known, thousands of people from the Santa Barbara community gathered Tuesday at the Harder Stadium.

The school provided tents with therapy dogs, a wall to remember and honor the victims and faculty members held their office hours open for counseling, the LAT reported. UC president Janet Napolitano delivered comforting words at the event, calling on the community to remember the victims as they were.

"The good they did, their personal triumphs, personal traits, the grace notes they brought to their everyday lives," Napolitano said in her address. "As long as we hold them in our hearts, they're not gone."

The mourners were mostly UCSB students and they wore black ribbons, designed and made by volunteers.

Rodger also injured 13 people, but their identities have not been released but all are expected to make a recovery. As of Tuesday, CNN reported three were still in the hospital, two of whom in "good condition" and one in "fair condition."

Rodger's other five victims were Weihan Wang, 20; Cheng Yuan Hong, 20; Veronika Weiss, 19; Katie Cooper, 22; and George Chen, 19.