At the moment, Branson didn't know a call-in question from a 1980s BBC appearance would inspire a dream still yet to be realized: the first commercial flight to space.

"Have you ever thought about going into space?" Shihan Musafer, a child then, asked him in 1988 on BBC's "Going Live!"

In his answer, Branson assumed it would be someone else to accomplish that feat -- he was only four years removed from opening his own airline. Afterwards, he began to think it could be him, he noted in a blog post on Wednesday, reported.

"I'd love to go into space, as I think pretty well everybody watching this show would love to go to space," Branson answered at the time. "When you see those magnificent pictures in space and the incredible views, I think there could be nothing nicer. So if you're building a spacecraft, I'd love to come with you on it."

Nearly 30 years later, Branson wants to find the young man who first planted the idea in his head to start Virgin Galactic, which he founded in 2004. He's put out a flyer on the boy once known (and likely still known) as Shihan Musafer. It's a craigslist "missed connections" ad, but on a grander scale. So far, Musafer hasn't stepped forward. He probably should, for it's never a bad thing when a billionaire feels like he owes you. Best case scenario, Musafer gets offered a free trip to space. Worst case, he's been hiding for the last 20 years and Branson just totally blew his cover.

According to the most recent reports, Branson still intends to launch the first commercial flight to space this summer.