Add President Barack Obama to the list of people who want to see the NCAA make some changes.

As part of his NCAA Tournament bracket selection special on ESPN's "Sportscenter," Obama told Andy Katz he does not mind it when players leave school early for a professional sports career.

He also said he would like to see the student-athletes who are not able to do the same will be still guaranteed a quality education and their scholarships.

"I have to say that, I don't begrudge young people if they've got an opportunity to look after their family, to go ahead and get an NBA contract and then go back to school, hopefully, and get their degree if that's the right choice," Obama said.

"I'm more concerned with the young people who are not going to have the chance to go to the NBA, and are they getting treated well by these schools," Obama said. "Jabari Parker, Andrew Wiggins... they're going to be fine no matter what. They've got terrific parents, they've got a lot of support. I'm not concerned that they're going to make a bad choice."

Obama's statement echoes opinions shared by certain leaders in college basketball. Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski and Big Ten commissioner Jim Delany have both said they would support a rule allowing high school graduates to skip college altogether.

Krzyzewski has also said college athletes should be required to stay two years should they decide to go to school.

That decision is not all on the NCAA because the NBA requires draft entrants to at least be 19 years old and spend at least one year in college.

"But for a lot of the average kids who are not going to able to get a good pro career, are those schools making sure that they're actually getting a good education, that they're actually getting a degree, that, if they get injured, their scholarships stick with them?" Obama told Katz. "Those are the kinds of things I'd like to see the NCAA address."