The 4.6 pound female gorilla baby delivered by caesarian section at the San Diego Zoo is now being treated for a collapsed lung, the Daily News reported.

Few gorillas and other non-human primates are delivered by methods other than a natural birth, which is perhaps why the baby continues to experience complications. (Veterinarians believe the lung was compromised during the delivery). Still, those on the case were worried that delaying the birth of 18 year-old Imani's first child any longer would put the baby at greater risk.

"The C-section was the right decision," said the Park's associate director of veterinary services, Nadine Lamberski, in a statement last week. "We think the health of the fetus would have been compromised if we delayed the surgery any longer."

Wrapped in a blanket and without much hair besides on top of her head, the baby gorilla (still un-named) looks as human-like as she's ever going to look. She also resembles Benjamin Button at that stage of his anti-development.

Other than oxygen, fluids, the collapsed lung, and around-the-clock care, the gorilla appears rather normal in pictures and the startling video below. She actively grabs and bites object in she range a a typical baby is known to do.

Once healthy, she'll join the a group of four females (including Imani) and three males at the San Diego Zoo.