The same research firm that found more millennials are leaning towards the Democratic party has now found that even young Republicans are adopting liberal views on some social issues.

According to the Huffington Post, a new poll from Pew Research says 61 percent of Republicans aged 19-28 support marriage rights for same-sex couples. Predictably so, older members of the Republican Party have a strictly opposing opinion.

The poll found the younger generation to be three times as likely to support gay marriage than Republicans older than 65. Overall, other pollsters and research firms suggest support for gay marriage has hit a new high at 60 percent.

What's more is younger Republicans also are more accepting to same-sex couples starting families. Among Republicans under 30, 18 percent believed same-sex couples adopting a child would be a bad thing. Among those aged 31-64, 50 percent said it would be bad and that figure jumped to 66 percent for Republicans 65 and older.

At the Conservative Political Action Conference, a panel designed to reach out and make the Republican Party more appealing to minority voters did not mention gay or transgender voters.

"Much to my dismay, there was not a single mention of even the word gay, much less LGBT, in a far broader discussion of basically every other minority community that the conservative movement needs to do conservative outreach for," Log Cabin Republicans President Gregory T. Angelo told the Huffington Post. "In my opinion, the silence was deafening on that front."

Mostly people younger than 25 attended the conference and, according to the, the attendees were more indifferent than anything to LGBT social issues.

The latest Pew Research poll and the apparent non-reaction of the Republican Party is perhaps a signal they will not fight the issue any longer. That, or party members will shift their focus elsewhere to an issue that caters better to the younger generation.