Michael Piggin, an 18-year-old British teenager armed with guns and explosives, planned a Columbine-style massacre in Loughborough, Leicestershire, an Old Bailey jury heard Monday.

Piggin, an alleged racist, reportedly stored arsenal of weapons (including pipe bombs, air rifles, knives and a crossbow) and terrorist manuals in his bedroom. He also came up with a 'hit list' that included pupils and teachers, two schools (his former school and college), a mosque, a cinema, a university and council offices. Piggin dubbed the assault on one of the schools as 'Operation the new Columbine.'

Piggin from Loughborough, Leics was arrested February 2013 on two terrorism offences. Two other 18-year-olds who were arrested along with Piggin admitted to possessing petrol and pipe bombs. The trial is expected to last six to eight weeks.

Piggin, who suffers from Asperger syndrome, scribbled Nazi slogans and had a Swastika flag on his wall. He also drew a cartoon detailing in which knives, a gun and bombs were concealed in a trench coat.

The 'worst and most life-changing things' happened at school and council officials had 'tortured my family over the years,' Piggin wrote in a Che Guevara notebook adorned with Nazi swastikas and English Defence League (EDL) mottos, the Guardian reports.

He also wrote: "There's too many Muslims in the UK, we must stop them coming over here. Send the ones already here back home before they take over," Mirror reports. "I'm ready to die for my cause," Piggin said over a dictaphone.

Calling Piggin a terrorist, Max Hill QC said that he has extreme views and was serious about executing his plans.

The 1999 Columbine High School massacre involved two senior students Dylan Klebold and Eric, who fatally shot 12 students and one teacher. The school shooting also left 24 other students injured while attempting to flee the school. The pair then committed suicide.

The massacre conspiracy also made references to fanatic Anders Breivik's terrorist attacks in Norway. Breivik killed 77 people in Oslo and on Utoya island 2011. He also made a fascist salute at his trial before being jailed for 21 years.