Josh Shapiro 1993 College Essay
Josh Shapiro 1993 College Essay titled "peace not possible" University of Rochester Campus Times

As Josh Shapiro stares down a very good chance at becoming Kamala Harris' running mate in 2024, an essay he wrote in college about Israel and Palestine has resurfaced, in which he claimed that Palestinians "will not peacefully coexist," and are "too battle minded" to ever establish a homeland where Israel currently stands.

Josh submitted his essay to the University of Rochester's Campus Times in 1993, which published the piece as an op-ed.

A spokesperson for Shapiro said in a statement that the Pennsylvania Governor's views on the subject have "evolved" since he wrote that essay over 20 years ago.

"Using history as precedent, peace between Arabs and Israelis is virtually impossible and will never come," Shapiro wrote, referring to Arabs as "belligerent."

The full essay can be viewed through the university's digital archives, which shows the two-page column penned by Shapiro titled, "Student view: peace not possible."

Josh Shapiro 1993 College Essay
Josh Shapiro 1993 College Essay titled "peace not possible" University of Rochester Campus Times

The essay continues on the next page, with the sub heading, "The Palestinians will not be satisfied with only Gaza and Jericho. They will demand more, such as Jerusalem."

Josh Shapiro 1993 College Essay
Josh Shapiro's 1993 college essay about Israel and Palestine University of Rochester Campus Times