On a quiet Wednesday morning, Stanford University witnessed a significant escalation in the ongoing tensions between pro-Palestinian activists and the university administration.

Thirteen students were arrested after staging a protest in the office of interim president Richard Saller. The protesters, demanding divestment from companies that do business in Israel, took drastic measures to make their voices heard.

The Morning of the Protest

The demonstration began around 5:30 a.m., when about ten students stormed the interim president's office. The protesters quickly barricaded the doors with bike locks, chains, ladders, and chairs, effectively sealing themselves inside. They also covered the security cameras with tin foil to avoid being monitored. Outside the office, an additional fifty students linked arms to form a human shield around the building, chanting slogans such as "Palestine will be free. We will free Palestine." Some demonstrators even spray-painted "Our office now" on the office windows, asserting their presence and their demands.

The protest was a strategic and highly coordinated effort by the students, who had specific demands they wanted the university administration to address. The demands included presenting a divestment bill at the upcoming Board of Trustees meeting, obtaining a supportive letter from Saller, revealing all endowment investments for fiscal year 2022, and granting amnesty to all pro-Palestinian students who have protested recently. The protesters planned to occupy the office until their demands were met, signaling their determination and the depth of their commitment to their cause.

University Response and Immediate Suspension

The university's response to the protest was swift and decisive. Campus security was quickly on the scene, soon joined by county sheriff's officers. The arrested students were escorted away in vans, facing immediate suspension as per a statement from university officials. This response highlights the administration's zero-tolerance policy towards such disruptive demonstrations.

Among those detained was a student journalist from The Stanford Daily who was present to cover the demonstration. This arrest has raised concerns about press freedom and the rights of journalists, even in protest situations.
The university administration sent a series of messages to the campus community throughout the morning, initially advising people to stay away from the area and later announcing the arrests. Due to the extensive damage caused by the protest both inside and outside the building, the office was closed for the remainder of the day. The damages included graffiti vandalism on the sandstone buildings and columns of the Main Quad, which the administration condemned in their joint statement later that day.

The Aftermath and Community Reaction

The arrests and subsequent suspension of the protesters have elicited varied responses within the Stanford community. Interim President Saller and Provost Jenny Martinez voiced their shock and sorrow over the day's events, emphasizing that they believe most of the community stands with them in denouncing such actions on campus. This firm stance underscores the administration's commitment to maintaining order and safeguarding university property.

The protest occurred on the last day of classes for the spring quarter, with graduation ceremonies scheduled for June 15 and 16. The suspension of the students, particularly any seniors among them, means they will not be allowed to graduate, adding a personal and immediate consequence to their participation in the protest.

This incident is not an isolated event but part of a series of demonstrations by pro-Palestinian activists at Stanford. It follows the termination of a 120-day sit-in on a campus plaza in February and the dismantling of an encampment in White Plaza in April. These ongoing protests indicate a sustained and organized effort by the students to push the university towards divestment from companies doing business in Israel.

The arrests have prompted discussions about the balance between freedom of speech and the need for order on campus. Some community members support the protesters' cause but disagree with their methods, while others believe the university's response was too harsh. As the debate continues, the incident at Stanford serves as a reminder of the complex and often contentious nature of activism and administration in academic settings.