A marketing expert, an entrepreneur, and a business coach, Douglas James, popularly known as The High Ticket Guy is successful in every aspect of life. In addition to a lucrative career, he also has a blissful family life with his wife and their adorable daughter.
While most of us only look at the dazzling tip, what we fail to recognize is all the hard work and preparation that goes behind it. Most ambitious people, while setting their priority levels, place their personal growth at the end and that's where they go wrong. Douglas James believes that the way we start our morning decides the course for the rest of the day. He was in the military and he has learned the importance of waking up early and giving your day a good start.
You can get a peek into his life and work on his website thedouglasjames.com or Instagram.
Douglas James's Morning Routine
One of the first things that Douglas James does when he wakes up is make his own bed. This small ritual gives him a successful start. He then writes down three goals for the day and three things that he is grateful for. Once he is done journalling his thoughts and goals, he goes out in his garden and meditates in nature for 15 minutes. Meditation, he says, fills him with the focus and clarity he needs to ace the rest of the day.
To fuel his morning energy, he kick-starts his day with a cup of black coffee mixed with some MCT oil. He also ensures that he does not check his phone immediately after he wakes up. According to him, a mind that is clear, well-rested, and at peace helps us think clearly, make the right decisions, and focus on our work throughout the day.
His Take On The Importance Of Physical Exercise
Douglas James believes that it is important to be prepared both mentally as well as physically to excel in business or whatever field we're in. That's the reason why he never misses his daily 2-hour long fitness regimen. His exercise routine consists of a mix of cardiovascular training, weight training, and meditation.
Douglas James is not the first person to highlight the benefits of physical exercise on our minds and its impact on our day. Exercise releases endorphins, popularly known as happy hormones, which regulate our mood and helps us to push away negative thoughts.
Douglas James comes from the Navy. His military experience has taught him countless things and has given him a new purpose in life. He served several impoverished communities that brought him face-to-face with the miseries and hardships that people face in life. This served as motivation for him to start and succeed at his entrepreneurial journey in the field of marketing and business coaching. Through Facebook and YouTube advertising, Douglas James has set several businesses on the track to rapid growth with more customers and higher revenues.
If you want to connect to Douglas James and take a sneak peek into his life and business advice that will help you scale your business, you can connect with him on LinkedIn or Twitter.