College is an exciting yet challenging time for teenagers and young adults. You get to meet new people, learn new things, and delve even deeper into discovering who you are. As great as going to college can be, it is not without its challenges. There's the high demand of keeping up with coursework, the struggles of fitting in socially, and learning how to navigate life without the guidance of your parents.
Unfortunately, many students end up so overwhelmed with emotions that the struggle with academic troubles, mental illness, substance abuse, and other issues throughout college. If this has happened to you or someone you know, seeking help is the best way to get back on track. From working with student counselors and tutors to rehab treatment for teenagers and college students, there are lots of places you can turn for assistance.
One of the most important factors to making it successfully through college is your emotional well-being. Start prioritizing your mental health in college by following this advice below:
Set Goals
Goals are ideal for helping to keep you on track in college. When you have a clear understanding of what you're trying to accomplish, you are less inclined to allow distractions to get in the way. Sit and create educational and personal goals for yourself. Break these goals down into small, achievable, actions, and work at them every day.
Manage Time Wisely
Waiting until the last minute to complete assignments, cramming all night for tests, and taking on too many other responsibilities are all common practices for college students. These methods may work at first, but after a while, it increases your stress levels, slows your productivity, lowers your grades, and even tempts you to engage in dangerous activities (like using substances to stay up).
Time management is an essential tool in college (and in life). Start by reviewing your class schedule. Then, create a list of other activities that you do throughout the day. Eliminate tasks that are unnecessary. Then, utilize task managers and time management apps to help you stick to plan for assignments, studying, and social activities without overwhelming yourself.
Take Care of Your Health
Skipping breakfast, eating ramen noodles five days a week, pulling all-nighters, and not exercising will surely weigh on you physically and emotionally. When you're not fueling your mind and body right, they're unable to work as efficiently making everything from learning to socializing a challenge. It is extremely important to take care of your health. Make sure that you're eating well-balanced meals, getting at least 7 hours of sleep each night, and incorporating exercise into your routine.
Do Things You Enjoy
Some students get so caught up in the academics that they forget to enjoy the experience of college life. All work and no play will cause physical strain and emotional overwhelm. While you have to learn how to balance work and play, getting involved in college activities and socializing with others is highly recommended. Surrounding yourself with positive people not only exposes you to new relationships but helps you to learn more about yourself and the world around you. Great connections can also be the support you need to get through college when things are rough.
Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help
There may come a time while in college when things are especially difficult. Pretending that you have it altogether increases your chances of developing a mental illness. Whether you're having trouble with classes, dealing with issues at home, feeling as if you're not fitting in, or struggling financially, there is help available. Talk to a counselor, join a support group, or confide in a trusted friend about what you're going through. Simply talking about what you're going through can be therapeutic and help to reduce the emotional pressure you're under.
They say your college years are some of the best years in your life - and they can be. However, the transition can be both exciting and emotionally draining. Trying to make the grades to graduate, fit in with a very diverse set of peers, figure out who you are and what you're passionate about, and stepping further into adulthood is a journey filled with ups and downs. Students who essentially learn how to prioritize their emotional health find it much easier to get through it all.