After an accident, a victim will need to work with an insurance company-specifically with a claims adjuster who works for the insurance company-in order to get the compensation that they are owed for their injuries and the financial impact that the accident has had on their life. This seems simple enough ... right? Unfortunately, when an insurance company makes an offer to a victim after an accident, the settlement amount that they offer is a pittance in comparison to the amount that the victim actually deserves. Insurance companies rely on the fact that the people filing claims are inexperienced with personal injury law, do not understand the actual range of things that they can be compensated for, and may not be aware of the fact that there will be likely future financial impacts. Instead, the insurance company hopes that the victim is eager to pay off their mounting medical bills, cover lost wages, and start looking towards the future.
When you work with a personal injury lawyer, you can look towards the future while also knowing that there is someone who is fighting for your rights against the insurance company or the party responsible for your injuries. Take a look below about how a personal injury lawyer can help you if you are the victim of an accident, but make sure that you contact an attorney directly to talk about your specific situation and get specific answers. You can learn more here about finding the right attorney for you.
Working With an Attorney During an Insurance Claims Investigation
When you initiate a claim with an insurance company, you will have a claims adjuster assigned to you who will carry out the investigation about the accident before making you a settlement offer. Depending on the nature of your accident, they may request that you submit written statements, undergo medical examinations, and any other number of things to determine the situation. When you are working with an attorney, they will be able to advise you on what to do and say, and maybe more importantly, what not to do or say to help your case. In addition, they will be able to help you with all of your paperwork and documentation to make sure that you do not miss any details while focusing on recovery. At the same time, they will be performing their own investigation and determining how much money you are entitled to.
Negotiating Your Settlement Offer
After the claims investigation is complete, the insurance company will make a settlement offer. It is highly likely that the sum of money that they offer you is very different from the sum that your attorney has determined to be fair for your injuries and damages. Your attorney will begin negotiations at this time, fighting for a higher settlement while working to avoid having to file a formal complaint with the courts. They will carry on with negotiations for a period of time, and if they are unable to reach an agreement with the insurance company then the next step will be to prepare for a lawsuit.
Representing Your Lawsuit
If you and your lawyer are unable to work out a deal with the insurance company for a settlement, then they will be able to move into the next phase of your injury case and file a formal complaint with the courts. Once this complaint is filed, you will already have legal support who has gathered extensive information and is familiar with your case, so that they are ready to move forward aggressively and immediately.