Stress has become a prevalent ailment in the 21st century. It's been found that approximately 55% of Americans suffer from this. There are several different causes of being under stress. For some, it could be financial reasons (the most common reason), while for others it could be a result of losing a loved one. Whatever the reason, one thing is sure - stress does deteriorate health over the passage of time. Now don't get us wrong, stress is a natural and positive response the body delivers when in the state of fear or panic. But being consistently under stress is not a good thing. We recommend that if you are a victim take help from NuMedica. For those of us who are always under stress, it's essential to de-stress and we'll provide you with 3 main reasons why:
1. Stress Leads to Ailments of the Digestive System
Stress is one of the major causes of diabetes. When under pressure the liver breaks down glycogen (a polysaccharide sugar) into smaller sugar molecules called glucose. This glucose gives the body the energy it needs for the 'fight-or-flight response. However, if a person is constantly under stress, our body has trouble with maintaining excess glucose. This eventually results in diabetes. This explains why people who suffer from chronic stress are more prone to Type 2 Diabetes. Moreover, due to the 'fight-or-flight' response both the breathing rate and heart rate increase which cause acid to build up in the stomach. This eventually leads to heartburn. In case you didn't know, acid reflux is common in some people, the consequence of which can be stomach ulcers. Sometimes people under stress may even get diarrhea or constipation. Some may also need to vomit to calm the whirlpool going on in their stomachs.
2. Stress Weakens the Immune System
There is no doubt that if you have a weak immune system, you are more likely to catch illnesses than your healthier contemporaries. As mentioned before, stress stimulates the 'fight-or-flight' response which brings the immune system to action so it can better fight off disease and heal wounds. This is a positive outcome of being under stress, and it's exactly how the immune system should perform when under stress. However, if a person is continuously under stress then it will wreak havoc on the immune system by reducing its effectiveness. As a result, your body will fail to protect you from germs present in the outside world. This explains why people who suffer from chronic stress are susceptible to viral illnesses like the flu or the common cold. Such people also take a more extended period of time to recover from an injury or illness.
3. Debilitates the Reproductive System
You may have never thought there to be a link between stress and the reproductive system, but the nexus is a substantial one. This is because stress has its ways of enervating both the body and mind. Many people who are victims of chronic stress often lose the desire to copulate. In men, who are under constant stress, the testosterone level drops which can impede the production of sperm, and even go on to cause erectile dysfunction and impotence. In other cases, chronic stress can also cause infection of the male reproductive organs like the testes and the prostate gland. In women, constant pressure can interfere with the menstrual cycle, causing irregularities. Studies have found that women under stress also have a reduced chance of becoming pregnant. Furthermore, for older women who are in menopause, stress has been shown to intensify the symptoms. To make matters worse, it's even been discovered that stress at even lower levels can cause fertility problems in both men and women.
Stress in your life needs to be addressed, or it is obvious there will be repercussions.