Mohammad Alshereda is one of the most prominent sociologists who has made his career teaching everyone about the importance of pursuing knowledge for the betterment of society. He earned his degree from Kuwait University and is now a member of four sociological associations. He has focused on youth activism and the growing role of the younger generation in the reshaping of society.
Without a doubt, there has been an increase in activism around the world. While many people associate these activism movements with powerful adult leaders, there has actually been a rise in activist movements that are led by the younger generation. All anyone has to do is look at the current headlines of various social movements around the world. Greta and Malala have been dominating the headlines in recent years as they champion important causes that are going to define the future of society. While these two individuals are seen as leaders and should be celebrated as such, there are thousands of other youth activists who are working for change when it comes to the environment, racial tensions, gender equality, economic changes, and LGBTQ rights.
There are even scholars who are studying the recent wave of youth activism across the world. Many of these youth leaders are building on the foundations laid by their ancestors who fought for social change throughout the South, particularly in the Jim Crow era. Many of the young leaders who saw these movements enjoy profound success in the Jim Crow South believe that they can affect similar changes throughout their own countries. For example, movements have already been successful in winning rights for child laborers in the country of Bolivia. Similar movements have also been successful in reforming the educational structure in Chile. These are only a couple of the many examples that have followed in the footsteps of youth activists all over the world.
Scholars are starting to take note. Professors throughout global universities are noting that children are taking part in economic, social, and political movements. In many cases, these movements are being powered by greater access to information, which can be attributed to the internet. The younger generation is particularly tech-savvy and they know how to access information on the internet. With access to this information, the younger generation is particularly displeased with the current state of the world. Given that the younger generation is going to inherit the Earth from their ancestors, it makes sense that they would want to play a role in shaping it. This drive, passion, and commitment to the future are reflected in the leadership roles that the younger generation is taking in these social movements.
It has been exciting to watch youth play such a significant role in activism. Without a doubt, they are making sure their voices are heard. Furthermore, they are even enjoying success in South America, Europe, Hong Kong, and even in the United States, where continuous change is an important part of the culture. It will be interesting to watch as more youth take up the mantle of activism all over the world.