World’s first birth control for men, an injection to the groin, coming soon
World’s first birth control for men, an injection to the groin, coming soon

Birth control is no longer exclusively for women. This is what specialists stated. The time for men to take the action of using contraceptive will soon be a reality - a thought nobody had thought would ever come to fruition.

Many women already ask if what took this so long. Indian doctors announced on Monday that they have successfully finished relevant clinical trials on the first injectable birth control for men.

In fact, the Indian Council for Medical Research made it known to public that the product is 100% ready and has 97.3% effectivity rate without any side effects.

The first birth control for men is delivered by means of an injection. The patient will be under anesthesia upon injecting the contraceptive to the vas deferens - the sperm tube containing the sperm near the testicle. Only those registered medical professionals are allowed to perform the process.

The injection to be called as reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance is not yet available in hospitals. But it was already sent to VG Somani, the Drug Controller General of India for authorization. VG Somani stated that the proposal could take between six and seven months before approval even though trials are already completed.

The experts in the field of biomedical research in India said that the effectivity can last up to 13 years. The procedure is designed to replace the pain of surgical vasectomy. This can be more appealing to men since the procedure is less invasive.

US researchers are also doing their on project similar to this contraceptive, but the percentage of completion is farther that the reversible inhibition.

In the UK, on the other hand, clinical researchers shut down the medical trial in 2016 because the subject experienced numerous side effects.

Benefits of family planning / contraception

Contraceptive method is one of the most effective ways to ensure that couples are secured. This promotes better family planning by supporting the health and community development. Knowledge about reproductive health is such an essential issue worldwide.

Slowing population growth

Family planning can help control the population growth. People already know that most of the countries globally are becoming more populated each year. This should be regulated because unsustainable population has a big impact on the economy, health, education, environment, and development.

Reducing infant mortality

There are many cases of infant mortality. This happens when mothers got pregnant with poor health condition. It can cause premature birth and malnourish babies. If the mother takes the risk of continuing the pregnancy with or without knowing that she is incapable of bearing a child, chances are the baby will have short life or with inborn diseases or the mother can also die.

Empowering people and enhancing education

Family planning let people learn from reality. Information regarding reproductive health is an opportunity for both men and women to be responsible for their future family. There are many organizations educating the participants who want to have a better life.