The U.S. Senate just recently passed a bill making specific types of animal cruelty a federal crime. This issue has always been one of the most sensitive topics around the globe.
The Senate passed the bill for Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act, which makes certain acts of animal cruelty illegal.
The bilateral bill, which was passed last Tuesday afternoon, will now be sent to President Donald Trump's desk for his approval.
Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa. and Sen. Richard Blumenthal are the persons who sponsored this bill. Sen. Pat Toomey believes that passing this bill is a major achievement with regards to the effort to stop this brutality by having animal cruelty felony.
This kind of law will make the community safer. Specific studies show that those individuals who harm animals frequently have the higher chance of committing acts of violence against other people. It is appropriate that animal cruelty laws and penalties should be done right by the federal government.
Once the president signed it, the bill will instantly become a federal law.
Blumenthal said that there will be no place for maiming and torturing animals in a civilized society. He and Senator Toomey have spent many years to make these cruel and barbaric individuals who do these crimes accountable of their actions. They are just so glad to hear that the bill is already waiting to be signed in to a law.
Actually, the bill is just an expansion of the 2010 Animal Crushing Prohibition Act. This made the creation and dispersal of "animal crushing videos" illegal. The underlying acts, which were not contained in the 2010 bill, are under the PACT Act.
See Also: Animal Abuse Remains One Of The Deadliest Sins In The U.S., Says Florida Academic and Prosecutor!
Here are some tips to avoid animal cruelty:
Do your responsibility as a pet owner. You must know the necessities of your pet. This is not just about food and treats. You should be compassionate and let your pet have positive experiences that can help enhance its behavior.
Be a role model of kindness to animals. The advocacy adopt instead of buying a new pet should be focused. There are many neglected domestic animals that ended up in shelters for various reasons. Foster home helps these animals to recover from traumatic experiences and prepare them until they find a permanent sweet home.
Get involved if you witness animal cruelty, abuse, or neglect. Extend your effort to stop someone from mistreating an animal. But you should be cautious and try not to put yourself in danger. If needed, seek help from other people.
Call the attention of police forces. If the situation is beyond your control, you should report animal cruelty to the police or other available authorities. Immediate action is necessary to stop further cruelty.
Teach your children to care for animals. Set a good example to them by being respectful towards animals. Show to kids how to properly treat animals with tender loving care. Children have the most innocent minds. Let them acquire good behavior because this generation can stop the animal cruelty at once.
Animals are precious gifts for us humans. People cannot live longer without them. Animals are the best companion humans can have. Either they live in land, air, or water. All of them feel the same. We should respect them for we do not solely own the Earth and these creatures also call it home.