Everyone knows that viagra is used when you need a little extra help in the bedroom. We know what it does and that it has become popular in this area. But, there are a lot of facts about it you probably don't know or haven't heard of. We have a few to give you a little more insight into this intriguing little blue pill.


Across the world, hundreds and thousands of different drugs are counterfeited all the time. However, viagra is one of the highest on that list. This can be dangerous, though, as you never really know what's gone into it.

A few ways to make sure that what you're buying is the real deal include the color, shape, and how many come in one packet; originals come in packs of singles or four tablets.

Jet Lag

After a long flight across continents, many of us suffer from the dreaded jet lag. We are tired and just don't feel like doing a lot. Well, unexpectedly, viagra might actually help you. A test was done on a hamster, and it helped reset its sleep-wake cycle. So, maybe it will be prescribed to us one day.

Endangered Animals

Did you know that in the past, many animals were killed for their genitals so that we humans could use them to aid in erectile dysfunction? And they didn't even help in any way. Well, viagra coming onto the market has stopped the need for animal genitals, so in that way, we are saving a few species from the brink of extinction.

High Altitude

If you have ever traveled somewhere at high altitude, you'll know that the first few days can be tough while you're getting acclimatized. Well, the Argentine football team agreed, and in 2017 played a game against Bolivia on a mix of caffeine, paracetamol, and viagra!


Viagra is renowned for the job it does, and it can do the same to flowers. A lot of flowers will wilt after not too long, and all have a certain life-span. A small bit of the drug can actually help them to stand up tall for much longer.

Not a Stimulant

Many of us believe that if we are suffering from reduced libido, this will help us out. However, this is not the case. There are a variety of reasons why one might be feeling this way, and viagra can't be of much help.

It can only be used to its full potential once you are already stimulated. The best thing is to go and see your doctor if you think something's up and let them prescribe you something that you really need.

Where Will This Lead?

So, with all these different uses of the drug, perhaps it will be used for more and more things as time goes on. Just remember, always get it from a reliable source, because, as we said, you never know what has gone into a counterfeit one.