Alumni couple of Indiana University of Pennsylvania, IUP, has donated more than $100,000 toward the establishment of Northern Tier Scholarship. The scholarship fund will benefit students from the northern counties of Pennsylvania.

The thousand-dollar scholarship is applicable to sophomores from either the IUP's College of Natural Science and Mathematics or Eberly College of Business and Information Technology. These students should have a minimum of 3.2 Grade Point Average plus should be residing in one of the Pennsylvania Northern Tier counties of McKean, Potter, Tioga, Lycoming, Cameron, Clinton or Elk.

The scholarship, overseen by the IUP financial aid office, will be offered beginning 2015.

Bill Speidel, vice president for university advancement, said that the scholarship will help the University to attract and retain potential students from the Northern Tier counties.

"Having a scholarship that is region specific makes it possible for students from those areas who may not have considered coming to IUP in the past to have an opportunity to attend the university," said Speidel said. "We need to have scholarships to encourage the best and the brightest students to come to IUP, particularly one like this that is geared toward a geographic area," The Penn, campus newspaper, reports.

The Millers, who live in Germania and Holland, Ohio, are 1974 graduates of IUP.

Zachery Chandler (junior, business education) said that students living in the Northern Tier truly are in need of such scholarships to earn a college degree.

"I personally am grateful for their donation to afford my peers back home the opportunities that so many in the Northern Tier don't receive: a college education."

The thousand-dollar scholarship is the second gift in a month made to the IUP's science and mathematics department. Tim and Debra Cejka, 1973 graduates, donated for the creation of a new facility for the department.