Summer SPF Tips 2017: Debunking SPF Myths Just In Time For Your Vacation Getaway [VIDEO]
BySPF Myths has been causing dangers to so many people who are unaware of the pros and cons of products containing such ingredient. Sun Protection Factor is a very important component of sunscreen products that promise to protect people from sunburn and dangerous UVA rays.
Surely, sunscreens will protect people from the gangers posed by the heat coming from the sun while achieving their sun-kissed-tan-skin goals. However, the usual misconception regarding this products arises every summer. In case the readers have not heard of any SPF myths yet, we list down some of them.
According to Elite Daily, the most common misconception lies in the bound of "If you can't eat, you can't put in the face" premise. But dermatologists have long debunked this theory. In fact, they highly recommend using sunscreen when going under the sun and during the tanning session.
Secondly, the "All sunscreens are the same" principle should not be considered. Each people's skin reacts differently in every component contained in the sunscreen. For example, chemical sunscreen having the ingredient avobenzone may react badly to facial skin while physical sunblock with physical agents like zinc and titanium oxides complements it well.
Apart from debunking these SPF myths, readers should know their purpose of using sunscreen. Determined whether it is to achieve suntan or just to avoid sunburn. To prevent sunburn, choose a sunscreen with at least 15 to 30 of SPF. It also protects the skin against both UVA and UVB radiation, Health Harvard blogged.
Do the application every two to three hours. Wearing dark-colored clothes and fabric is also a good option to prevent burns. For suntan goals, it is recommended to use "sunless" tanning gels, lotions or sprays that temporarily tint the skin. Make sure to check upon label and know the skin you are in.