Money and finances have been considered as one of the top stressors over the past many years. And now, a recent study just found that there is even an increased level of stress for those who think about time as money.

A new research by Thomas D. Dee II Professor Jeffrey Pfeffer Ph.D. '72 at the Graduate School of Business from Stanford suggests that people who actually think about time as money experience higher levels of stress, compared to those who have a more fluid vision of time, Stanford Daily reported. He started to give this a thought when he himself was beginning to have an awareness about the amount of money he loses or gains for every hour of his work.

Pfeffer and his co-author Dana Carney of the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley conducted a study among 104 subjects who work for two hours for a made-up company. Hwat they have found out was that the participants who computed and were aware about how much they were paid for every minute had higher stress levels. In fact, their stress was 25 percent higher than those who did not think about the equivalent of time to money. They also found that these subjects are less likely to enjoy the breaks they were given in the duration of the study.

Pfeffer said that a 25 percent rise in stress levels can be detrimental to health. And stressing about money also have many negative effects, according to CNBC. In fact, whether a person is rich or not, they really do stress about money.

What Pfeffer would advise is that people should not think about the value of time as money, because it is not very healthy considering the over-scheduled world people live in.