It is not easy to get to one of the world's most prestigious Ivy League School. But one student beat the odds and made it possible by writing #BlackLivesMatter in his application.

Ziad Ahmed, Bangladeshi-American student, was asked this question in his application to Stanford University: "What matters to you and why", and what was when he made his answer very clear as he wrote #BlackLivesMatter.

According to Independent, Ahmed repeated the hashtag 100 times in order to emphasize the abuse and excessive use of police force that kills so many black men and women.

The 18 year old student was stunned himself after his surprising and witty approach to his application paid off by getting accepted. His answer, as well as his acceptance were posted as a tweet on Twitter, Telegraph reported.

He said that he was surprised when he opened the update and saw that he was actually accepted. He explained that he never really expected to be admitted in Stanford considering his answer but was delighted to see that his activism was rather viewed as an asset, instead of a liability.

He added that there wasn't any need for explanation considering that black lives have not been given importance for centuries and as a society, he said that it is only imperative to scream that black lives matter, not only because all lives matter, but because it is a way to say that black lives have been attacked for so long, and that they have to be empowered through language, perspective and action.

While critics will always be there to express that they weren't really impressed, many people still pointed out to his impressive CV for which reason he got the invitation to speak at the White House and TedX conferences around the world.