The University of Tennessee decided to overhaul its 40-year old Student Code of Conduct. Major changes relevant to current students' lifestyle had been added.

The Students Code of Conduct handbook contains everything that concern students. Students' rights and responsibilities, sanctions for some offenses, the right to defend one's self, dress code, how to behave in the campu and outside of the campus are specified.

All schools have a Student Code of Conduct and this serves as guide to students on what behavior might be good and what might be punishable by law. Usually, it is distributed as handouts for students to refer to, It contains student offenses and penalties, American University reported.

Considering the age of the University of Tennessee Students Code Of Conduct, many provisions might have been outdated already. Omitting some and replacing them would make the document relevant to modern day campus life.

Among the most notable addition is the "Good Samaritan" and the "Medical Amnesty Policy". The "Good Samaritan" makes students responsible for each other at all times. They might look after each other and during emergencies, WBIR.COM reported.

It is believed that this code of conduct will encourage other students to care for their fellows and help them during difficult situations. Vince Carilli, vice chancellor for Student Life explained how the "Good Samaritan" works. A drunk student who called for help to save himself might receive forgiveness from the school. A student who called for help because another student is in danger will be considered a "Good Samaritan.

Another addition to the provisions on Student Code of Conduct is the consolidation of several board of direction so that only one Board of Directors would oversee proper implementation of the school code of conduct.

While a few students opposed some changes to be made, majority are in favor of it. Majority of the students are now waiting for Student Code of Conduct to be approved and implemented.