Many "Destiny" players are very thankful for Xur as he make his monthly appearance during the April Fool's Sale from March 31 to April 2. Yes, today is the last day Xur's stall will be up for gamers who missed out the earlier batch of rare items. As usual, gamers has to find where this merchant put up his stall for this month's promo.

Xur has set up his stall at the Tower in the Vanguard area. Upon entering the Tower, the gamer should pass through Morn and from there Xur will be seen at the left of the room selling his stuff. This week's exotic items are noteworthy especially for beginners who have just started with the "Destiny" DLC, OneAngryGamer reported.

The elusive vendor will be selling a Sniper Rifle called No Land Beyond for 23 Strange Coins and Titans Ruin Wings gauntlets which is considered as the most noteworthy item in the list. The said weapon allows heavy ammo to be restocked when continued and sold at 13 Strange Coins, PlayStationUniverse reported.

Xur's lineup also includes two kind of boots, the Hunters Fr0st-EE5 sold at 13 Strange Coins and the Legacy Engram sold at 29 Strange Coins. The Astrocyte Verse or Warlock Helmet is sold at 13 Strange Coins. Lastly the there are two weapon bundle options from the combination of Monte Carlo and Royal Flush and Zhalo Supercell or the Zhalo Supercell and Shock Hazard both sold at 30 Strange Coins/25 Silver Dust, PlayStationUniverse added.

On the other hand, the recent "Destiny 2" Art Expansion is reportedly leaked earlier to hint that Osiris and Rasputin Add-Ons are underway. The said artwork has been spotted at "Destiny 2's Xbox store page. In addition, fans claim that the artwork shows a pass towards the two expansions. "Destiny 2" will launch for PS4, Xbox One and PC on 8th September.