For college students, discussions about college related topics seem to bother them the most. There just really are a lot of problems when it comes to higher education, and one of the main issue is the cost.

The prices of earning a degree has been a challenge for students and parents alike, especially for those who come from less advantaged backgrounds or low-income families. According to the New York Times, college education is both the great leveler of the American life, and the great divider as well. That is because those who were able to obtain a degree are the ones who earn more money, they are the ones who are able to land more lucrative careers and are also less likely to be on public assistance than those people who only have high school degrees.

Everyone understands this reality and that is the reason why the ultimate goal is to pursue higher education and be able to obtain a degree.

For college students whose parents are also college educated, getting into college could be stressful but is something that can be made possible. However, for many working class students, the cost of higher education seem to be tough and daunting. This leads to many people questioning if college is really worth it. And it does not only pertain to the tag price that it entails. It refers to the debt that aspiring college students will have to get into just to achieve their dreams.

According to College Confidential, graduates now finish college with a debt of $30,000 to $50,000. Aside from the cost, many students also do not have enough knowledge on how to manage the complex process of college applications. Other barriers are the less quantifiable ones like students who lack exposure to the culture in college.

Topics College, Reasons