Making Music Videos, Writing Song Lyrics Help Young Cancer Patients Cope With Treatment
ByMusic therapy can help teenagers and young adults with cancer cope better with their prognosis, according to a recent study BBC News reported.
Researchers from Duke University and Indiana University found that young cancer patients gained coping skills and improved relationships with family and friends when they participated in a therapeutic music process that includes writing song lyrics and producing videos, BBC News reported.
The study involved 113 patients ages 11 to 24 undergoing stem cell transplant treatments for cancer. They were placed in a Therapeutic Music Video intervention group or a control group that received audiobooks. Study participants completed six sessions over three weeks.
One hundred days after stem cell transplant treatments, the Therapeutic Music Video group reported significantly better social integration and family environment.
Researchers also found that several protective factors, such as spiritual beliefs and practices; having a strong family environment characterized by adaptability, cohesion, and positive communication; and feeling socially connected and supported by friends and healthcare providers, help them to be resilient in the face of cancer treatments.
"These protective factors influence the ways adolescents and young adults cope, gain hope, and find meaning in the midst of their cancer journey," researcher Joan E. Haase said in a statement. "Adolescents and young adults who are resilient have the ability to rise above their illness, gain a sense of mastery and confidence in how they have dealt with their cancer, and demonstrate a desire to reach out and help others."
Researchers said their findings provide evidence supporting the use of a music-based intervention to help young cancer patients positively cope with high-risk, high-intensity cancer treatments.
"The availability of music therapy services from a board-certified music therapist in the United States has become more widespread, and through studies like this one, we hope to see increased availability and access to this important allied health service," researcher Sheri L. Robb said in a statement. "One of the challenges in healthcare today is making sure that research findings from studies such as ours are used to inform healthcare practices and service delivery."
The study was recently published in Cancer, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society.