"Street Fighter V's" Capcom Fighters Network online experience will be on preview for the PC soon. The video game's ELEAGUE invitational talents was also announced.

PC gets CFN preview first for free

Capcom announced on its official blog about their plan to offer PC players a free glimpse into some of the new features and enhancements that will be coming to Capcom Fighters Network or CFN for short. This online experience will start on March 28 and it ends on April 3.

This new preview will only be limited to the Steam users and it will be for both current and new players of the popular fighting video game. The trial will be free, but it will be limited to online modes and it will feature all of the available characters including Kolin, which was recently released. After the test, Capcom will be making more adjustments to it to optimize the system and make its official release to both PC and PlayStation 4 players.

Improvements and features

The new CFN will have matchmaking improvements, which will let players have less time to find an opponent in online matches. The ranked and casual match loading times will have a shorter transition this time around. There will be an interactive timeline for them to interact with, which is found on the CFN home menu.

Players can now blacklist players or add some friends and follow them on CFN with the Friend Management System. The Rage Quit Penalty System has also been implemented, which shows special rage quit player profile icons on profiles with frequent disconnections.

The Training Mode settings will be saved and carried over to the next time the mode is used. In Battle Lounges, country flags will now appear that allows players to fight with other players in their region. They can also filter the leaderboards based on Country or league.

The in-game announcer will provide players and opponents with stats using the data it can get from the server. The stats screen has more details this time around and it will be tracked and presented in Fighter Profiles.

ELEAGUE Invitational Casters announced

In other "Street Fighter V" related news, the upcoming ELEAGUE Invitational will be including some of the best casters in the field. According to the official website of ELEAGUE, Richard Lewis will be the host of the tournament and he will be joined by Steve Scott, Stephen Lyon, Reepal Parbhoo, and Liang Chew on the analyst desk. They will also be the casters in this tournament, while Malik Forte will be the interviewer.

Check out down below the "Street Fighter V" Kolin Reveal Trailer: