Marijuana is sweeping the US as more and more states are on to legalizing it. But the days of cruising down the street smoking Marijuana will come to an end. Two notable start-ups have taken it their duty to provide Marijuana breathalyzers to help law enforcers identify impaired drivers and keep them off the road.

Hound Labs and Cannabix Technologies are two start-ups that are planning to provide Marijuana breathalyzers, Digital Trends reported. Both companies have developed devices that will detect marijuana to identify impaired drivers.

Hound Labs is developing a device that works on chemistry. It will test the active ingredient of weed, THC, through a driver's fluids. Hound Labs is proud to call their marijuana breathalyzer a breakthrough device which is very efficient roadside. Cannabix Technologies on the other hand is currently working on combined technology called FAIMS for its Marijuana breathalyzer.

The problem however is that these breathalyzers detect THC through human body's fluids, which are inconclusive in pointing out the time that the impaired driver smoked ganja. THC stays in the body for weeks. That's why both startup Marijuana breathalyzer companies are working on a device that will measure the breath instead.

THC can be measured through breath in a period of two hours, that's why these companies are working on applying the test on their devices. Cannabix Technologies specifically is working on a Marijuana breathalyzer that houses propriety components, as stated in its press release.

Hound Labs will be able to release their Marijuana breathalyzer to the public this year while Cannabix Technologies need 18 months more to complete theirs. The purpose of these breathalyzers is to keep the road safe from impaired drivers or keep these drivers safe from wrecking themselves behind the wheels. The Marijuana breathalyzers also intend to keep the workplace free from high employees.

Topics Marijuana