Nintendo Switch pre-order details have been revealed. The news is not quite good as there are customers who complain about the brand's tracking code.

Meanwhile, despite the problems, other reports claim that Nintendo might still sell over 5 million units this year considering the fact that Gamespot named it as one of the store's best launch.

According to Game Rant, Gamespot, on the retailers of Nintendo Switch, revealed that the gaming console's launch is considered as the store's best launch in recent years.

"Stores across the country last night were packed with customers who couldn't wait to get their hands on the brand new Nintendo Switch," says Eric Bright, Director of Merchandising.

Bright reveals having customers lining up to their store early morning just to get a hold of Nintendo Switch and be one of those "lucky ones to score of the additional units". As for the product itself, Bright assures walk-in customers that Gamespot will get more of the gaming console.

Meanwhile, despite having positive reactions from walk-in customers, in terms of online buying, Express reported not-so-good feedback. It said that Amazon's Nintendo Switch pre-order has been causing problems to some gaming fans. There were consumers who rant on Twitter and reveals their own experience with the site's tracking code.

As per the site's additional information, there are still online consumers who fail to receive notification or tracking codes from Amazon. As a result, gamers are still unsure whether their Nintendo Switch pre-order will arrive on the said date or once again, it will be delayed.

A Reddit user shares Amazon's reply to his Nintendo Switch pre-order message. Based on the message of the customer service advisor, the online shopping site has been receiving a lot of complaints about the issue. It also revealed the real reason behind the delay.

"The problem is that all orders for the Nintendo Switch are being a little delayed since we still have not received any of them," says the CSA.

As for the other information regarding the Nintendo Switch pre-order shipment or the delay, the CSA only admits having no further details about it. What is known so far is that they are still waiting for the product and as of sending the message, it said that "they are on their way" to Amazon's facilities.

As of writing, the aforementioned site reveals no other update about the pre-order issues; whether the fans continue to experience the problems or not.

Meanwhile, a Twitter user named RoundsDownRange posted Amazon's reply to his Nintendo Switch pre-order mail. According to the message, he reaches out to the site to voice his concern about the delay. In a reply from Amazon, it made sure that his order will make it to the scheduled delivery date.

On the other hand, based on the other reports from other websites, some of those who chooses to pre-order a Nintendo Switch receives an offer from Amazon which includes some form of a refund. The said refund mentions the "free month of Amazon Prime".

As for the other details, Nintendo is expected to sell more than 5 million units of Nintendo Switch this year. However, as per the expert's analysis, the catch here is the brand needs to show the gamers why they need another gaming console and how it will compete with Playstation 4 and Xbox One.