Online courses have grown in popularity especially with the development of MOOCs or Massive Open Online Courses. This type of online course is different because they use new technology, feature well-known professors and they don't cost anything.
Online education platforms such as Coursera and edX have made cross-cultural learning easier. Some of the online courses that have a lot of enrollees are found on Coursera. It includes classes from UC San Diego, Stanford University, Johns Hopkins and University of Michigan, among others.
edX is another popular online education platform whose partnerships with Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology have gained a lot of enrollees. Online Course Report shared the most popular edX online courses.
Harvard University - Introduction to Computer Science
This course teaches the basics of computer programming for both computer science majors and non-majors. The topics covered in the course include algorithms and problem solving, abstraction, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security and software engineering, among others. It has a total enrollment of 348,476.
MIT - Circuits and Electronics
It includes topics like circuits, resistive elements, independent and dependent sources, switches, energy storage and amplifiers, etc. Since it launched, the course has already had nearly 230,000 enrollees.
MIT - Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python
This course has had nearly 100,000 enrollees since it launched in Oct. 2013. It is taught by Eric Grimson, PhD (mathematics), John Guttag, PhD (mathematics) and Ana Bell, PhD, all from MIT. The topics covered include the basic principles of computer programming, including computation, algorithms, testing and debugging, data structures, and algorithmic complexity, all through using the Python programming language.
Harvard University - Science and Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to Soft Matter Science
This interesting course merges physics and engineering principles with the chemistry of everyday cooking. Topics covered in the course are emulsions, elasticity and diffusion through spherification, among others. It has already had about 92,045 total enrollment.