With the constant increase in college costs, parents of college students who are able to obtain a degree after four years should already consider themselves lucky. There are just so many students who start college are unable to finish. A lot of them already dropout before they even reach their sophomore year. While many reasons explain this phenomenon, here are the major root causes of the issue.

Lack of preparedness

According to Citylab, many high school students, especially those who are coming from low-income families are not prepared for college level tasks, so the tendency is that they get assigned to remedial courses in Math and English. This delay can cost the students both their time and money. And according to a study, 70 percent of the students who are assigned to developmental courses are not able to finish college.

Difficulty in navigating college

Another reason why many students don't get to finally obtain a degree is because they combine higher education with their other obligations, and this is especially true for those who are in community colleges where most of them are single parents.

Insufficient finances

According to Career Prep Academy, although this is issue is already understood and does not have to be expounded, there are some students who do not necessarily leave school due to lack of finances. Some of them just drop out because of lack of preparedness and just cite insufficient finances as a reason.

Lack of guidance and support

College life is an environment where students really have to learn how to be independent. However, there are still some students who need some guidance or they will lose their direction. This support may not be something that is necessarily received from the professors, peers or institution. This kind of support and guidance can be and should be expected from the families.

Topics Reasons, College