Posting in social media photographs, videos, and one's thoughts about certain issues has become the trend nowadays. Some people post almost everything he does, feels and thinks about. From these posts, people may conclude the kind of person he is.

Having several accounts for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media networks has become common practice. Data included in the posts can be seen when someone search your name in these networks. To know what type of information comes with one's name, it will be good practice to search for one's self in Google, according to NBC.

Employers nowadays also use social media to know more about a job applicant. Data that can be learned from social media are one's personal beliefs, political leanings and views about lots of things. A person ranting about low wages will drive away companies that offer low salaries. A person seen as happy-go-lucky might not fit jobs that need a high sense of responsibility.

Before going job hunting, it is important to Google one's self first. Posts that give a person negative or bad image should be deleted. When prospective employers check the account, they would only see a clean and desirable profile, according to B2C.

To make sure that social media account does not project a negative profile, it will be best to keep all posts private. Checking how one's profile is seen in a friend's account and in people who are not friends will serve as basis on what to delete before starting a job search. Unbecoming photos can turn away prospective employers. Someone else might tag such kind of photo to another person. The person who tagged another must be asked to delete it.

An applicant who is highly qualified for the job might not get it because of his social media profile. Employers would think twice in hiring someone who se views are against that of the company where he applies.

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