A new Dead Sea Scrolls Cave has been discovered. This is the 12th cave found in Israel, near Qumran. This exciting discovery hopes to reveal more secrets to the bible. The first eleven caves were sighted between 1946 and 1947, the world and Hebrew culture provided the manuscripts for the Torah. But the new Dead Sea Scroll discovery may reveal more than what is supposedly found.

The Dead Sea Scrolls is considered to be a narrow version of the Qumran Caves Scrolls, as reported by The Monitor Daily. The unfortunate news about the Dead Sea Scrolls is that most of these documents were stolen.

In fact, the recent Dead Sea Scrolls discovery did not hold a lot of content. The archaeologists and excavators were only able to find a piece of parchment rolled up in a jug in the 12th cave. The parchment is seem to be ready for writing. There were also traces of pick axes and other manual labor tools. This just proves that the scrolls from the cave were stolen.

But regardless of this disappointing news, a Hebrew University expert, Oren Gutfeld, says that this indicates something more than the evidence of scrolls. There are tons of scroll fragments around the world, according to Gutfeld. He broadens his view around the subject that these caves are just smaller parts of a bigger tapestry.

Because evidence of robbery has been found, the Israel Antiquities Authority is now launching a bigger project that sets out to find more caves that are needed to be discovered. According to Israel Hasson, the 12th Dead Sea Scrolls cave just means they have more work to do.

Multiple universities are eager to get the legacy going. A flagship research institute, called the Dead Sea Scrolls Institute lead by the Trinity Western University is focused on the studies and advanced research on the topic. With doctoral studies available, the discovery is reportedly going to open the possibilities of more competitive studies.

Know more about the Dead Sea Scrolls through Stephen Fry's clip below where he visits the Shrine of the Book in Jerusalem:

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