In a scene reminiscent of "Stranger Than Fiction" and countless other death-defying movies, a 16 year-old girl's life was spared when the bridge of her glasses slowed down a bullet heading for her brain. Instead, the shot embedded itself between her two eyes, but she wasn't seriously injured, ABC News reported.

The teenager, Alonza Bryant, her mother, Lavrette Bryant, and five other family members were in their Seattle home last Saturday night when a car drove by and sprayed the house with bullets. Only Alonza was injured.

Authorities believe the crime was gang-motivated, though the family has claimed they have no association with such activities. Possibly, the former owner had connections, according to ABC.

"It had nothing to do with anyone in the home," Ms. Bryant said. "It had to do with someone who used to live there that was gang-affiliated. We're not gang-affiliated. We had nothing to do with what happened."

When Alonza was first hit, she remained conscious and had to use the bathroom mirror to locate the bullet between her eyes. Quickly, the shot's effects deepened until she became dizzy.

"She was still conscious," the mother said. "She was still talking. And then she was like, 'Mom, I'm feeling dizzy."

"The victim was struck by a single round in the bridge of her glasses, breaking them," Seattle police said in a statement. "Amazingly, she was not seriously injured."

The family would sustain one more round of bullets before they could leave their places of cover, according to ABC.

No suspects have been named as the family is at an undisclosed location and "running out of food, gas for the car and places to hide," according to Ms. Bryant. "This is Christmastime and the kids don't have presents."