Studying in an international university can be a huge step. It does not only mean studying abroad, it also means getting access to culture and ideas from another place. The world is definitely a big place but with people connecting and getting connected by the second, getting that academic study has never been easier.

Which is why any university or college that wants to position themselves as the best school should emphasize their international connections. And that means having certain quality standards met.

In order to attract students and teachers around the world and develop that international reputation, an international university must have the proportions of international students, international staff, journal publications with at least one international co-author and its reputation based on a survey, as reported by Forbes.

The top international university spot goes to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland. The second spot goes to the école Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, in Lausanne, Switzerland, and third place goes to The University of Hong Kong. These institutions have received high staff, student and co-author scores.

Students who are looking to enroll in an international university may might as well look at universities in Switzerland, Hong Kong, Singapore, the United Kingdom or Australia. These countries hold the highest ranking international universities. The Times Higher Education Rankings has ranked 150 of the most international universities of the world.

The least scored international universities come from South Korea, Japan, China, Brazil and Taiwan as reported by Times Higher Education. The Universityof Sao Paolo in Brazil takes 147th place, the National Taiwan University takes 148th place, Tohoku University in Japan and Pohang University of Science and Technology in South Korea takes the last two places in the 150 rank.

Watch the Pohang University of Science and Technology promotional video below to find out more:

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