"Legends of Tomorrow" is enjoying surprising success on the television scene. Showing on the CW, the unlikely superhero team up show is looking more and more like DC's response to the acclaimed Marvel film 'Guardians of the Galaxy.' One of the most impressive additions to the show so far, is the inclusion of the supervillain group called the Legion of Doom. Fans have been wondering what is in store for the show and its characters moving forward. Actor Matt Letscher may have the answer.

In an interview with Collider, Matt Letscher, the actor who plays Professor Eobard Thawne also known as the Reverse-Flash, shed some light on the progress of the show's plot moving forward. As he sat down with the pop-culture website, Letscher explained that fans could see dissension in the ranks of the Legion of Doom.

According to Hollywood Reporter, Letscher stated that Thawne was definitely the man in charge but the nature of supervillains could shake the Legion of Doom's establishment to its very core. Letscher explained, "There's a lot of examining the nature of the triumvirate and the power structure that's in place, how much they can trust each other, and what each person's role is going to be in the Legion of Doom."

Letscher goes on to explain that he believes the Reverse-Flash is an egomaniac that only suffers these apparent fools because he is in dire need of them to stop the rag tag Legends. A lot of the story's plot elements will be clarified in the upcoming episode, especially for the story and character arcs pertaining to the villains of LOD.

The actor also goes on to explain on the inherit humanity that Eobard Thawne, as well as all other supervillains, posses. Letscher tells Collider that he believes his character has a deep hunger for knowledge and a desire to achieve acclaim and greatness. He explains, "That's something of an extreme personality, but it's also very human to want that. What that means for his relationships with other people is often pretty damaging. At the end of the day, he's probably someone who just wants to be loved. He just has a very funny way of going about it."

"Legends of Tomorrow" airs every Tuesday night on the CW.