Electronic Arts (EA) made available last week the latest "Sims 4" downloadable content (DLC) called Vampire Pack.

Kotaku gave players various screenshots and a glimpse of how the Vampire DLC's gameplay works, via an assumed scenario.

In this DLC, "Sims 4" players can create, as the name implies, vampiric characters who have varying powers and weaknesses. They reside in their own residential space, the Forgotten Hollow, which is made up of five lots - space that's enough for vampires to roam around in.

The player's vampire character finds nourishment through a plasma, which does not necessarily have to come from that of the other "normal" Sims. Players can plant a Plasma Fruit Tree on one's lot, and be harvesting the fruits ensure the presence of a sustenance supply. As with most other games, those who find this process tedious, Plasma Packs that provide the same nourishment can be purchased online.

Being creatures of the night, players should plan their activities as nocturnal beings should lest they be exposed to harmful sunlight. If daylight walking cannot be prevented, it is important to be mindful of the Vampire Energy meter which depletes quickly upon sunlight exposure.

To help players get started, Sims game producer Dave Miotke provided gamers tips for keeping their characters as "healthy" as possible.

In the official forum, posting as SimGuruNinja, he listed a vampire's primary needs: thirst, energy, social, fun and hygiene. A player's lifestyle and success depend on the levels of these five things.

He also talked about the point and rank systems used in the game.

"Doing Vampire stuff gets you Vampire Experience (VXP) & Power Points... VXP gain unlocks tiers of Powers to choose from; Power Points are used to actually purchase the powers (each power costs some amount of Power Points)... Each time your VXP unlocks a new tier, you'll be required to take on a new weakness," he posted.

He also said that players can spend freely in any of the unlocked tiers and that vampires that diligently study Vampire Lore may know how to reconfigure their Powers/Weaknesses.

He also revealed that there are other things to worry about which he warned about in a later post saying, "Yes there are hunters (you can equip a cure, make enemies with a vamp, and a select mean option "Slay Vampire")! Wahahahahahaha. I wanted an aspiration just for them, but we ran out of time. BLASTED!"