Roger Williams University (RWU) Law School students were offended to see the word "urban" and the context in which it was used in a mass email relating to campus crime.

According to Campus Reform, Lorraine Lalli, dean of the RWU Law School, apologized publicly for her unfortunately worded email, following a heavy backlash on social media forums. She sent a follow-up email shortly after the first, addressing the poor choice of words, but the recipients had already made their thoughts known.

Lalli's email sent last Wednesday warned students against leaving valuables on campus over the winter break because "despite the non-urban nature of our campus, thefts have occurred."

Michael Bowden, an RWU spokesman, told Campus Reform Lalli noticed students had posted her comments on Facebook shortly after she sent the email. At that point, she knew she had to send a follow-up to correct her language.

"While I did not draft this language, I did review it before it was sent," Bowden wrote in an email. "Upon reflection, I agree that this language is insensitive and I will revise it for future messages. I apologize for any offense that this may have caused."

In her follow-up email, Lalli addressed the "concerns about the choice of language" in her initial email and apologized.

"After sending the email, Dean Lalli noticed a few student comments on Facebook about her choice of language, which prompted her to revisit it," wrote Bowden. "Her follow-up note was simply that; upon re-reading her reminder e-mail, she saw how the language could have been misinterpreted, and wanted to let anyone concerned know that it would be revised in future mailings."

Bowden would not specify what exactly the students expressed they believed to be offensive, but said the matter is considered to be resolved. He included he has heard no complaints since.