Neil Druckmann responded on Monday via Twitter to a fan's opinion regarding the political undertones of "The Last of Us" and how he expected the sequel, "The Last of Us 2" to take a different route.

"The Last of Us"' and "The Last of Us 2" game creator Druckmann said in his tweet, "No can do. Writers work off of their views of the world. For example, the ending of TLoU is very much inspired by my 'personal politics.'"

The fan's post to which Druckmann responded to has since been deleted. More or less, though, anyone with a similar train of thought regarding the upcoming and even the previous game already has a feel of the creator and developers' stance on the topic.

Meanwhile, not much is known about "The Last of Us" sequel so far, including the release date or any other related developments or updates. Little information is currently available as well regarding the game's plot, which sees the return of the original protagonists, Joel and Ellie in a story that takes place five years after "The Last of Us" game.

Sites like Attack of the Fan Boy and even fans agreed that the perspectives of the game makers can get the feel of the game, simply because as humans they have their own points of view and personalities that will get into the game itself.

"It's an important and extremely valid point. "The Last of Us" was a very personal project for Druckmann. He was involved in almost every step of the development process, and it was this love and devotion that likely set the game apart from so many others," Attack of the Fan Boy wrote.

"To ask that Druckmann and his team develop "Attack of the Fan Boy wrote. "The Last of Us 2," but avoid making any sort of point, or taking any firm stance on important issues seems silly in a lot of ways," it added.