Are you already working and want to continue education? Or are you looking for a subject that is not being offered in nearby universities and colleges? Don't have time to attend classes in campus but you wish to earn a degree? All of these worries can come to an end by taking advantage of the technology and taking online classes.

Online education offers a lot of benefits for you when it comes to your individual schedule while getting relevant knowledge you need no matter where you are in the world. A student taking an online master's degree also shared that his memorable and enriching learning experience even happens inside the classroom, US News reported.

When it comes to the benefits, there's just a lot to mention and that is why you cannot afford to miss the following online courses at only $10 Udemy has to offer, according to Business Insider. Don't forget to enter the promo code "MAKEAMOVE" to redeem the deal which is only valid until January 28, at 6am PST.

The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0

This is the best place to start if you want to learn how to start your own website and mobile applications. This course is one of the favorites on Udemy as it is very helpful especially to those who need to start from scratch when it comes to web development.

Writing With Flair: How To Become An Exceptional Writer

Regardless of your industry, writing is an essential skill. So if you want to become a blogger, journalist or you simply want to write about anything under the sun, this course will be helpful in giving you some tricks used by professional writers in their work.

Photography Masterclass: Your Complete Guide to Photography

For all the photography enthusiasts, this course is something you will surely love as you can now turn your hobby into a business. This course will teach you advanced techniques in using your DSLR from shooting to editing raw photos. This is an excellent guide even for the ones who are just starting out.