George Takei is known for his role as Hikaru Sulu in the "Star Trek" franchise and he is also popular for his quirky antics on Twitter and meme worthy expressions.
Recently, during a lecture at the Winter Park Institute on Jan. 19, George Takei takes the stage to share a bit of historical context and some background on his career. But it is not just a speech about his acting career, he also offers a message of hope and resilience from his own personal experiences.
Takei takes the audience by the heart during his appearance at Rollins College, as reported by Rollins. Tickets were only available to an exclusive 100 patrons at the Galloway Room. The event was titled "Where No Story Has Gone Before: An Evening With George Takei."
The "Star Trek" original actor shares a personal story, that his family were among the thousands of Japanese-American citizens that were imprisoned. George grew up behind the barb wires and what is considerably an abnormal environment became a normal one for him. After their release, they lived a life that follows the American Dream. His parents worked their way up from dry cleaners to become real estate investors, as reported by Orlando Weekly.
Although his family story is touching, the issue that is closest to him is his homosexuality. He knew who he was when he was 10 years old. It was something he hid from the world by living a double life at the time. But when Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed California's marriage equality bill, he decided to speak up.
George Takei tells the audience at Rollins College that his speaking out as a gay man enabled progress in the country when it comes to marriage equality. His primary message reigns in a message of hope and resilience. As a man who has seen war and suffering, he is still an optimist. He admits he gets tired sometimes but he knows that there is always a solution if everyone works together.
Want more George Takei? Check out his commencement address at the UC Hastings College of Law: