Quantum computing is making waves because of D-Wave. This small Canadian company has launched an open-source quantum software that makes quantum computing available for regular people.
The field of quantum computing is supported by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, CIA, and NASA. This field has only been known to computer programmers and developers who studied advanced math or quantum physics. D-Wave has developed qbsolve that will permit program developers and coders to program D-Wave's quantum machines even without the expertise to do quantum programming, according to Wall Street Pit.
How Quantum Computers Work
Quantum computers are mega-powerful computers that process and store data through quantum mechanics. Unlike traditional computers that store data in 'bits' represented by either '1' or '0,' quantum computers store data in 'qubits' or quantum bits. This qubits are more complex version of 'bits' because they spin in two directions simultaneously.
Quantum Computing Enhances Medical Science
The field of medicine has been revolutionized with the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003. This has enabled the treatment of each patient in a more personalized manner through better targeted cancer therapies, according to a post by Forbes.
This new discoveries are considered as major advances. However, it also showed limitations. It revealed the small knowledge of current science regarding how proteins are coded. A great example is on the discovery that the cure of diseases involved working with complete genomes rather than isolated markers in people's chromosomes.
The problem is that traditional computers do not have the maximum power to do these tasks. The good news lie with the possibility of quantum computers of resolving the issue. Harvard scientists discovered that quantum computers allow protein mapping like that of genes. D-Wave, in collaboration with DNA-SEQ, has allowed the use of its quantum computers in the exploration of the analysis of genomes for better therapies.