While Super Awesome Hyper Dimensional Mega Team (SAHDMT) boasts of "Rise & Shine's" tactical aspects such as its plot and the way it is played, game critics have thought otherwise. The game has been developed for three years and SAHDMT believed that it gives an obsessively polished experience for gamers to enjoy.

However, there are two things video game "Rise & Shine" needs to address to for it to be within the range of interest of gamers in the industry. Every game is expected to have decent load times and remappable controls, XBLAfans reviewed. Unfortunately, "Rise & Shine" violates these aspects that critics believed if left unattended will lead to the game's downfall

It is worth noting that "Rise & Shine" is now available in Steam and Xbox One for $14.99. It revolves within a young boy named Rise who has been given a living gun named Shine that he must bring to the King. The talkative gun grants unlimited respawns to the player and is the key to saving Gamearth, the home planet.

The player learns several new skills as it makes its way to the king. The source added that Shine carries two bullets and alt-fire explosives, which give the player handheld mortars and bullet controls. Each gun battle is described as an emotional heart pumping moment at the same time a challenging puzzle, a player has to solve.

According to Enrique Corts, artist and game designer for "Rise & Shine," his team went extra miles to introduce new ideas to the game and create custom illustrations for all the game's backgrounds to given an entirely different and unique game experience, Xbox reported. They are confident players will appreciate the attention to detail that they have put into the works with "Rise & Shine."

Some game reviewers have seen it vying to be one of the best indie games of this year, as cool graphics enticed players to play, however, the gameplay cannot seem to match the wonderful soundtrack and art style the game highlights.