Generally speaking, a four-year college degree is deemed to be the quickest way to success, but according to Education Corner, even attaining partial college or associate college degree is a lot better than not being able to get any college education at all.

This means that students who want to go to college but are concerned if they will be finishing it are still encouraged to pursue it and give it a try. According to the Hamilton Project led by dam Looney a senior fellow in Economic Studies and the policy director at the Washington, D.C., many people never go to college because they fear that they will not be able to finish.

While it is really helpful to finish a college degree to land a promising career, those who have attained some level in college were still able to earn better than those who just attained high school education.

An associate's degree is also one of the alternatives considered if a four-year college cannot be made possible, according to Money. There are even times when two-year degrees offer much higher earnings compared to the usual four-year degree college courses.

While the fact remains that a bachelor's degree is still always a better option, making parents and students aware of other options like getting an associate's degree can help ease college affordability issues and crisis.

Some of the well-paying jobs require less than two years of study, and Michael Bettersworth, vice chancellor and chief policy officer for Texas State Technical College even said that what you study is much more important than how much you study.

So if you are considering going to college, go ahead and pursue it, whether it be a two year degree or a four-year degree - it does not matter. What matters is you did it.

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