To a lot of people, going to college and earning a degree is the only way to attain a high-paying job. While it is true that your college degree can play a significant role in helping you achieve the career of your dreams, there are still a plethora of professions that offer very promising income and only require a two-year associate degree or a high school diploma.

Although students are strongly being encouraged to pursue college education for a wider range of job opportunities, it does not mean that there are a very limited opportunities for people who did not have the chance to go to college. According to Business Insider, the data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics show that there are plenty of high paying jobs in the market that do not require a degree to pursue.

Web Developers

One of the most important things that businesses have now are their websites and it is important for them to find someone who can create a reliable website for them. And you do not need to be a college graduate in order to learn how to design, create, and modify websites. Although this can be learned in school, you can also learn this by doing self-study when you already have learned the basics.


According to Lifehack, you can also work as a journalist without really earning a degree because the most important things that will be required of you are skills in writing, confidence and your ability to work under pressure. Although you can take a degree in journalism, it not really a necessity.

Fashion Designer

This is another career path where your talent is what's going to be needed. In the fashion industry where competition is tough, your talent is going to be much more important than your qualifications. All you have to do is start with a good portfolio and go seize the world and show them what you've got.

Digital Marketing

Degrees related to business and marketing may be useful in digital marketing but they are not always required. You may start at a junior level in terms of salary but it's not difficult to earn more in just a matter of a few years.

Topics Careers, Jobs, Degree