Cathy Adduci who lives near the Concordia University and is the village president said that Verizon needs to provide better coverage in the area. Adduci said that she even had to go to a window to use her mobile phone because there is no coverage.

In the same manner, Concordia University Vice President of Administration Dennis Witte said that both the school's staff and students complain constantly about the lack of signal. Witte points to the north east corner of the village as the site that needs coverage improvement.

And she is not the only one complaining. A lot of people in the area have already complained that they are not getting any signal. Which is why Verizon is now seeking approval to install a cellphone tower inside the campus.

According to the university officials, Verizon Wireless personally approached them months ago with plans to install a new antenna, as reported by Chicago Tribune. Concordia University revealed that they have plans to increase the height of one corner of its parking garage in order to make way for a new Verizon Wireless cellphone tower.

Verizon wireless has proposed that the southwest corner of the campus will increase from 65 feet to 75 feet. The increase in height will allow a new antenna. Verizon will share spaces with T-Mobile.

However, it still needs village approval before any installation can begin. University officials and Verizon have already approached the River Forest Village board on Monday. The village board needs to give its final approval at a future board meeting.

This is not the first time Concordia University has pushed to install cellphone towers. A while back, there was a need to boost AT&T and T-Mobile cellphone service in Oak Park and River Forest using a pair of stealth modifications to the campus parking space. In this way, Concordia's students have benefited on an increased signal coverage as well as pocketing income on the side, as reported by Oak Park.

Check out the Concordia University Campus below:

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