Sega recently released a new trailer for "Valkyria Revolution" revealing a new formidable foe in the form of a white-haired Maxim, a young general of the Rus Empire. Fans are excited for a heavy story, especially with the new enemy confronting Amleth and comrades a lot of times.

New Trailer Features A Formidable Foe

With the ability to use magic out of all the Ragnite experiments, Maxim seems to really be a formidable foe for Amleth, Silliconera reported. His excellent skill with the magic arts is the reason that he was promoted into the rank of general at a very young age. Emperor Claudius himself recruited Maxim to train as a military officer.

What fans Expect

One scene shows Maxim clashing swords with Almeth and it seems very intense. The other scenes somehow show how loyal Maxim is to Emperor Claudius. Princes Ophelia can also be seen in the new trailer.

Just this holiday season, Sega also released another trailer to promote the Princess, Xbox Achievements reported. The princess has the skills to wield song magic. She is also a member of the Anti-Valkaryia Unit.

Fans can expect the same strategy aspects that they love in this role-playing game. The game lets players train first at the base before going out to finish their missions.

Besides the exciting new character that would definitely bring in a richer story for the game, the permanent death part of the game is also one of the elements that make this game challenging. Players will have to try should one of their characters die in battle.

"Valkaryia Revolution" is expected for release on January 19, 2017 in Japan for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita. There are still no official reports on the North American and European release of the game. However, there are speculations that it will be released in those regions any time in the second quarter of this year.

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