Many college students are so engrossed with the challenges and the fun college life brings, so much that many don't know what to do after graduation. Are you ready for post-grad life?

Those who are graduating this year should plan their steps early to avoid unnecessary problems and stress once the commencement ceremony ends, notes third-year Literature and Biology double major Julia Dunn in an article in Uloop. Dunn says excitement over senior projects and enrollment in final major classes could distort your perception of time, and so it would be best prepare for life after graduation.
After all, no graduate would want to face the problems of student loan debt repayment if he or she is unprepared.

Here are some ways soon-to-be grads can prepare for life after college:

Start Looking for A Job Ahead of Graduation

Many college graduates have degrees but end up jobless after graduation. To help, Dunn suggests looking for a job even six months before graduation.

Many employers post open positions long before they will need the person to work, Dunn says. Getting the position before graduating ensures the new graduate a new job after he finishes college, and will greatly lessen the stress brought about by the job hunt - and the student loan debt knocking on the door.

Learn How to Make and Manage Money

Every student will need to learn how to earn money and budget the money they earn, making sure to make ends meet while paying all student debt. Those who relied heavily on loans and other financial aid measures will greatly need to learn how to make money for themselves without incurring more debts and will also need to budget what they can earn without the temptation to borrow again.

Make Plans for Graduate School Admissions (if Grad-School-Bound)

If you're bound for graduate school, make plans ahead of your college graduation. Realize that applying for grad-school is harder than undergrad school due, and you'll need to choose the right school for your needs.

Think back to the time you applied for college, and adjust your applications for grad school. Maybe you'd want a grad school that has a great location, or offers conveniences you wished you had while you were still an undergrad. Whatever it is, make plans for your grad school. You'll need it.

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