"Devil's Third Online" Multiplayer Server has officially been discontinued since December 28. However, there are rumored free-to-play versions coming for PC.

Devil's Third Online Server Discontinued

Nintendo recently announced through its official website that as of December 28, gamers can no longer play the "Devil's Third" Online multiplayer since its servers are officially shut down, Just Push Start reported. One of the major reasons for the move to discontinue the game is its low gamership. The online server is not played by a lot of gamers from all over the world.

The Wii version of the game didn't get a positive reception when it rolled out in 2015. Also, not a lot of people in the world own a Wii U. Only the multiplayer version of the game is shutdown, while its single player version will still continue.

The "Devil's Third" for the Wii U was somehow controversial when it came out since it has a lot of strange and mature content, which is something that may not be in line with Nintendo's more family oriented values. The game got negative reviews and was quickly forgotten when it came out.

New Version for PC

The "Devil's Third" may have lost its multiplayer version, but the game will still stay alive. New free-to-play versions are expected to be launched for PC, Attack on Fan Boy reported. However, there are no official reports on when the exact release dates of these new versions will be.

Even without the multiplayer feature, the game is still sold at its discounted price at $29.99 from its original price of $59.99. Nintendo wasn't really excited about this game when it was released back in 2014. It wasn't given a strong marketing push and was just later on swept under the rug.

It may not have the success it deserved in the Wii U console, but fans expect that it may become successful for its PC release.

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